The Life Cycle of an Estate

Some estate life cycles turn up very quickly, so that few years or even months separate the initial building and the final phase. In other cases, an estate may remain for several centuries in a single stage of its life cycle. It is impossible to indicate the average period for an estate life cycle to complete its revolution, but in the case of ordinary domestic buildings of traditional construction, a term of 60-100 years is usual. There are signs of, Read More

Definitive Proof That Tithing Can Change Your Life

When it comes to tithing, does it feel like we can’t afford to let go of money because there are bills looming, trips or other expenditures? This reasoning can cause a “Tithing Phobia.” I know… I used to have it big time! Sometimes when Sunday rolls around and they are passing the tithing plate at church, there was a feeling of guilt. There were promises to self that giving a tithe or a larger tithe next Sunday would be better Read More