The Three S’s of a Healthy Lifestyle in Weight Loss

In previous articles, the importance of combining a healthy diet and exercise program with equally healthy lifestyle habits has been emphasized. The questions then are: What exactly are these lifestyle habits that must be adopted for life and what are their effects on weight loss? This article will answer these two questions. But first, we have to emphasize that the discussion will focus on three aspects of lifestyle – smoking, stress and sleep. Other aspects like sexual and social patterns Read More

Earn A Healthy Lifestyle With A Balanced Diet

Whatever we eat affects our body. Our daily eating habits decide general condition of our body and mind. To keep our body salubrious and energetic we must focus on the right amount of nutrition that our body needs. Definitely, a balanced diet gives you a healthy life. But what does it contain? A healthy balanced diet contains all the essential components for better health. Carbohydrates, mineral salts, fats, fiber, vitamins and proteins altogether make a healthy balanced diet. These components Read More