Reiki Tips and Tricks For a Healthy Lifestyle

In 1922, Mikao experienced satori, this means a brief flash of enlightenment. This is when he received Reiki from that spiritual experience. He had been working hard on spiritual development and went to Mt Kurama, to seek enlightenment, through a regimen of fasting and praying for 21 days. He wasn’t looking for an ancient system of healing, or any system of healing. However, Reiki came looking for him. If we honor Usui then we should also honor his own words. Read More

Best Weight Loss Program – 10 Effective Lifestyle Tips

With all the swarming weight loss sites over the internet, the need for true and effective best weight loss program and information has become a search endeavor. How can you determine the best weight loss program suitable for you? Is there any gauge, measure, or standard for it? Many individuals find weight loss a chronic endeavor. For some, the shedding of pounds may seem lasting but it is just a temporary event. They do not know until they once again Read More