Pranayama – A New Lifestyle

Lifestyle has a profound impact on the pranamaya kosha and its pranas. Physical activities such as exercise, work, sleep, intake of food and sexual relations, all affect the distribution and flow of prana in the body. Faculties of the mind such as emotion, thought and imagination affect the pranic body even more. Irregularities in lifestyle, dietary indiscretions and stress, deplete and obstruct the pranic flow. Depletion of energy in a particular prana leads to the de vitalisation of the organs Read More

Has Today’s Modern Lifestyle Influenced Parenting Style

Parenting style has become a hot topic as we negotiate the early part of the 21st century. The technological age has certainly affected the way we raise our children and it’s even been suggested there is a more hands off approach to parenting today. Let’s face it, in the western world, society today dictates families need to be a two income environment which means either parent spends less time with their children because of work commitments and third party carers Read More