Home Schooling – A Lifestyle Adventure – A Novel Review of Serena’s Serenity

Are you a head-over-heels home schooling, mountain climbing mom? Maybe you’re a mother-or possibly a grandma-of one or two preschoolers. Perhaps you are a career woman and desire to be a stay at home mom. You may even be a young lady facing a bright, uncharted future. Are you a grieving parent over a sick child or an empty place at your table? Serena’s Serenity will surprise you! This is a crisp, modern novel for all comprehending age groups. You’ll Read More

Ungodly Lifestyle Is Unfruitful

Many people do not know that it cost more and takes more effort to live unholy than to live holy. The primary reasons being, when we are not living holy, we do not have the support from God as we do when living holy. I know the pain and hurts of not living holy. That is why I want to share some of the effects to help you avoid them: Separation from God Always stressed Unanswered prayers Satan entry way Read More