Many Valuables Lost In A Noble Ship – The Unfortunate Ship "Earl Of Moira"

The Earl of Moira Dublin smack packet ship was on her voyage from Liverpool to Dublin with 110 persons on board, including 30 cabin passengers, many of them very respectable and with a crew of six.She was supposed to sail at five, on the evening of the 8th, 1821.The vessel however, did not sail until half past six, from the pier head at Liverpool, owing to what I was told, the captain delay on shore for various and personal reasons. Read More

The Twisted Confession of a Cheating Housewife

It was exactly 1 am in Lagos, and the night was stillborn. I was having the worst day of my life as my favorite club Liverpool had so dramatically lost the 2018 Champions league trophy to Real Madrid yesterday, all thanks to Karius and of course Sergio Ramos who tactically dismembered our star-man Mohamed Salah to clench a smooth oppression. It had rained heavily shortly after the match-for about two hours-I guess even the heavens smelt fowl-play and decided to Read More