No One Here Gets Out Alive – Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugarman

This is the book that started it all. There are those that repeat the old saying: “If you can remember the 60s you weren’t there”. They say that this book is obsequious, that it’s full of myth and exaggeration, that it perpetuates the stories about things that never happened, that is focuses too heavily on Jim Morrison’s extreme side and his alcoholism. They’ll make accusations of fabrication and even plagiarism. Well, they’re right – but they miss the point entirely. Read More

Staycation Guide: 5 Places In The UK That Will Make You Feel You Are Abroad

Staycations are again on the rise more, and more Brits are deciding to stay home for their holidays. But where in the UK should you go if you have never had a staycation before or fancy trying something new? Here is my staycation guide is here to help. The UK is a dynamic place full of history, natural beauty, dramatic coastlines and historical cities. Every corner has such an individual identity that no two places are alike. Some UK destinations Read More