Spring Heeled Jack A Vampire?

Spring Heeled Jack was a leaping, bounding superman with claimed recorded sightings as early as 1837 in Southwest London. He has been described as wearing a kind of helmet and a tight fitting white costume like an oilskin. It’s said he can breath blue and white flames and has hands like great claws. His hands are said to be “as cold of that as a corpse”. Confirmed sightings of him occurred in 1838 by a young woman named Jane Alsop Read More

The History of the Everton Mint

For those of you who are not familiar with the Everton Mint, it is a black and white mint flavoured sweet with a delicious toffee centre. Everton is also a district of Liverpool in the United Kingdom and the name and home of a famous English football team; Everton F.C. Now, in the late 1800’s there was a sweet shop called ‘Ye Anciente Everton Toffee House’ which was owned by a lady called Old Ma Bushell. ‘Ye Anciente Everton Toffee Read More