The Heartbreak of A Penalty Kick Miss: Who Should Bear The Aftermath Pain and Guilt?

Football is one of the finest sporting activities fancied globally. The fun of the game is heightened, especially by the numerous leagues and championships. Anti-sports citizens in a country magically fall in love with the football game when they see their fellow countrymen adorned in their national colors determined to play enthusiastically for their homeland. The most succinct part of the football game that can break the heart of supporters and football enthusiasts is the taking of a penalty kick. Read More

About Biographies – Diego Maradona

In Spain it is quite common to read and watch translated works. A movie is often dubbed. That is what I’m thinking of when reading this book. It is hard to write about this book, about this biographer, about politics and soccer and supporters. Most of all about the soccer game: you are either in favor or against. Barcelona or Madrid, Manchester or Liverpool, or in this case, Argentina or England. That is what I think will do this book: Read More