Giving Credit Where Music Credits Are Due

Selecting a favorite CD out of my music collection, I popped in the chosen disc and hit play. While the music cranked, I took the CD cover apart and looked closer at the contents of the case (also known as liner notes). Amongst the colorful artwork, band photos and track listings, were the lyrics for each song and of course, the credits for whoever had a hand in the creation of this CD. Looking at an indie artist and band’s Read More

The Origins of Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzles are some of the most popular hobbies in the world. Since their invention, they’ve appeared in almost every newspaper in the world and there are popular magazines and books devoted to them. In this article we’ll delve a little bit into the history of crossword puzzles. Word puzzles have been around for centuries – there have been word square puzzles found in ruins at Pompeii, and have been written about in Roman history. Crosswords are one of the Read More