What’s an Opportunity Transfer?

Not long ago, an acquaintance who works for the Los Angeles School District apparently upset his superiors and the administration with a grievance and critique. As he told me the story of his ordeal, I was blown away with what had happened to him. Yes, things happen, of course, he’d been a thorn in their side, but they realized they couldn’t lay him off or fire him due to tenure and his high performance ranking, so they gave him the Read More

Class Trip on History of California Is Funded by Major League Baseball Player

Parker Lefton is a retired history teacher for Maclay Middle School in Pacoina California, just outside of Los Angeles. He continues to work as an educator in his role as the volunteer coordinator of the Determined to Dream Foundation. Garret Anderson, a recently retired Major League Baseball player who spent most of his career with the Los Angeles Angels, funds the Determined to Dream Foundation. Anderson and his wife, Teresa, were once students at Maclay, and they have been actively Read More