7-Day Meal Plan For Professional Soccer Players

We all know that playing professional soccer requires a big commitment for both physical training and mentally. However, the same is to be said for a food commitment and eating well. How you eat will depend on your performance both on and off of the soccer field; plus before and after the match. Below are some specialized soccer meals for a week. For professional soccer players. Monday Breakfast: 1 cup powdered chocolate milk, breakfast cereals and a banana. Lunch: Spaghetti, Read More

Healthy Eating Habits – The Best Time to Have Your Daily Meals

The Best Time to Eat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner:- When it comes to having your very basic and regular three meals of the day that is: breakfast, lunch and dinner, one simply shoves the food down his throat, like any other task of the day, which is to be performed on daily basis, without paying any attention to the time of having those meals. However, for these meals to provide your body with adequate amount of energy and required nutrition, Read More