A Weekly Nutrisystem Menu Sample – 7 Examples of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Meals

I get a lot of emails from people who are asking for me to paint them a picture of what life on nutrisystem is like. I’ve written about a typical day on this diet. I’ve had a few people tell me that this isn’t a big enough glimpse of the meals to give them a full idea of what they will be eating. So, in the following article, I’m going to expand on this idea and provide an example of Read More

Packed Lunches – Not Just for Kids

Packing school lunches has been part of my daily routine for a long time. It started around 17 years ago, when my eldest started going to child care a few days per week. I hate to think how many lunches I’ve prepared since then! My kids are all now old enough to prepare their own school lunches, but I still like to oversee the process so I can satisfy myself that they’re getting balanced and nutritious meals and snacks. Very Read More