Can You Use Nutrisystem Without a Microwave?

I recently heard from someone who was very interested in the Nutrisystem diet, but she worried that she wouldn’t be able to prepare many of the foods because she didn’t have a microwave. In the following article, I’ll look at some of the preparation methods of some of the more popular breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals on Nutrisystem to see if a microwave is actually necessary. The Breakfast And Snacks: Of all of the food options, the breakfast and snacks Read More

I Married You For Better Or Worse But Not For Lunch

It is complicated enough to think about retirement for ourselves, but it’s even more challenging for couples to plan this transition. What defines your ideal retirement may not be the same for your spouse or partner. To have a successful retirement lifestyle, each person in the relationship needs to communicate, compromise and cooperate. This requires a lot of understanding and empathy of each other’s situation and acknowledgment of the fact that this major life change affects not just us individually, Read More