Five Time Management Tricks Managers Use

Ever wonder why your manager seems to get so much done without seeming to do a lot of work? It is not that they are doing nothing; it is more because they are doing things right. If you take the time to observe your manager, you will probably notice him or her doing five things that you may not be doing. These five things are easy tricks to successful time management at the office. Manage what hits the inbox. You Read More

Best Time to Hold Business Meetings is When?

Studies show there is no best time to hold a business meeting. However, acceptable times for having meetings can depend on the culture of a corporation, career type, work group, or country. The key to finding the best time is what will work for the group who is meeting and for the type of activities that are expected to be carried out in the meetings. If the meeting activity requires information sharing, then this can be done at a leisurely Read More