Four Surprising Causes of Hyptertension

Have you ever had an experience where something just grates on your nerves? You may have discovered one of the hidden causes of high blood pressure. Coworkers: I have heard some interesting stories in this area. One person had a coworker who was addicted to almonds. This person sat in the next cubicle. That means a half an inch of cardboard away. It became almost like the water torture test. How many crunches does it take to drive someone batty? Read More

Top Grapefruit Diet Meal Ideas For A Week

The grapefruit diet is a popular diet which emphasizes on consuming grapefruit or its juice at every meal. The diet is also high in proteins and focuses on quick weight loss. It’s basically a 12-day plan and though there are various diet versions, most of them restrict the daily calorie intake to less than 1,000 calories. Unlike most diets, meals can be cooked using any amount of salad dressings, butter and spices. There are however some rules to adhere to Read More