Makeup – A Woman’s Bane or Boon?

When you’re a woman, makeup is supposed to be a friend; however, it may actually be better to avoid makeup altogether. This may sound weird at first. After all, makeup enhances your beauty, and makes you much prettier than how you would normally look. Unfortunately, this blessing can also be a curse. When you don’t know how to handle your own makeup, your skin may breakout and you’ll find yourself suffering from acne. Avoiding Makeup Can Actually Help You Save Read More

Make Your Ex Regret Breaking Up With You And Give Your Relationship a Second Chance!

You are having a burning desire to make your ex regret for breaking up with you. Your partner has just informed you that he/she is walking out on you. You are sitting dumb having no clue what caused this. There was no explanation given to you, no word of consolation, nothing at all. You feel terribly hurt and your self esteem is wounded. Something has to be done. Some action need to be taken. But that does not mean you Read More