Deadly Distractions – Applying Makeup While Driving

If you are a woman who considers makeup application to be a part of your daily routine, chances are you have been caught in the following situation more than once. You pushed the snooze button on the alarm clock one too many times, pulled yourself out of bed and hurriedly went about making coffee, brushing your teeth and making your hair look half way decent. You then hop into the car and start speeding in order to get to work Read More

So You Have an Appointment With Your Dermatologist, Ladies: What Are You Going to Wear?

So ladies, you’re going to the dermatologist. We all know that going to the dermatologist can be a humbling experience. It’s not always the type of appointment you look forward to, especially when you know that you might have to take off your clothes, wrap yourself in a thin paper gown, and sit in a cool room staring at four walls waiting for the doctor. And you know you are waiting for the doctor to come in and look at Read More