Bullfighting: A Dance With Death

Despite most people’s impression of bullfighting as being unique to only the whitewashed villages of Ronda, in Andalusia, Malaga and Seville (though not villages, are also in Andalusia), are all truly great places to see a bullfight, along with Madrid. Ronda is the original place where modern bullfighting began, thus the Ronda bullring is held in very high regard among aficionados. However Ronda tucked away in the mountains and its bullring is not that accessible for true, genuine bullfighting fans. Read More

Traveling to Spain – The Spanish Regional Travel Guide

Up to 60 million visitors travel to Spain every year to delight in the country’s 315 sunny days and its rich and diverse history and culture. As a result the Spanish government spend millions of Euros per year on the travel and transport infrastructure to service the country’s growing population and its ever growing numbers of visitors. Therefore Spain has to be one of the easiest and most affordable of the world’s popular destinations in terms of its accessibility – Read More