Where Can I Find Direction When Traveling?

Nothing beats that intuitive sense that says, “I know exactly where I’m going.” Unfortunately, we are simply not programmable, as robots are. We cannot just download directions into our brains to be stored forever, so we rely on maps. Over the years, mapping has become so much more than just street maps and road atlas functions. Today we use online maps to advise us on local businesses, news, weather, traffic and more. Google Maps has become the template of choice Read More

The Map That Shouldn’t Be

Those of you who are avid treasure hunters are probably all well familiar with maps which are completely undecipherable. Even older maps which were intended to be accurate portrayals of topography can be almost humorously inaccurate. The existence of a map dating from the middle ages, then, that could be used to correct errors in modern maps created as late as the 1950s would be nothing less than astonishing. But it does exist. The map was drawn by Piri Reis Read More