Mind Mapping – How To Use Mind Maps To Teach Difficult Grammar Points

If you are a language teacher, you probably already use mind maps to help your students learn vocabulary. These mind maps are sometimes referred to as “vocabulary networks” or “word maps”. One popular use of such mind maps is organising vocabulary groups, e.g. your central theme is “food” and your sub-themes are “meat”, “fruit”, “vegetables” etc. Another way might be to associate the various nouns, adjectives and verbs with your central theme, e.g. television, programme, film, switch on, watch, interesting, Read More

Maps, Guides and the State of the World Atlas

Each year groups of concerned stakeholders and citizens of the world get together to collect data. Many of them have an agenda, but all of them care about their cause; that is to say the cause and future of humanity. Perhaps, you have heard of such projects at the United Nations, Pew Research Institute or various environmental groups. Lately, we see many of those who are quite concerned about Global Warming are busy gathering data for such books. Now then Read More