Demon Possession Causes All Types of Mental Illness Including Schizophrenia

What causes mental illness and its various types? The answer lies in demon possession. When a person has mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, psychosis, multiple personality disorder, or has suicidal thoughts, the individual has quite literally “lost their mind” to invading demon spirits. Demon spirits pray on those who are weak mentally, physically and emotionally. When a person suffers a trauma in their life and they are unable to cope with the trauma mentally and emotionally, a Read More

Total Body Detox – How to Remove THC From Your Body?

Tetrahydro cannabinol or THC is a nerve toxin that is mainly a component of marijuana. The component is extremely dangerous for one’s health and is equally tough to remove from the system as it attaches itself to the fat cells in the body. The component can cause severe mutations in the cells that it comes in contact with and is better removed from the system as early as possible. Here is how one can get rid of the THC deposits: Read More