The "New" Physician Enterprise – Leveraging Technology to Enable the Cash Medical Practice

There is an increasing trend towards cash-based medical practices. Some are the high end “Anti-Aging” or “Age Management” practices that consider aging as a treatable condition that can be delayed substantially through the application of hormone replacement, nutritional supplementation and other non-conventional medical modalities. Other cash practices are typical family practices that have become frustrated with the insurance model and have embarked upon the new paradigm of cash-based medicine. All of them share the basic tenet that they do not Read More

Medical Bills Help With a Stellar Credit Standing

Good credit standing pays… all the time. This statement is especially true if you need some medical bills help. Such payables are quite urgent and if you need quick cash, you know that a very reliable option is to go to some lending institutions. If you don’t savings and/or it’s obviously not enough, then you should get a medical loan. Next thing to note is that the only way that you can get quick medical bills help is if you Read More