Mental Health – Nervousness, Anger and Irritation

The psychology of our time does not consider anger, nervousness and irritation as signs of an abnormality in someone’s behavior; however, each manifestation of nervousness and hate is absurd and reflects a lack of control, reasoning and sensitivity. The human being cannot control one’s behavior and one often becomes irritated with other people’s mistakes when things are not as desired and when one is offended. One believes that his reaction is normal because it is a common reaction observed in Read More

Sexuality and Mental Health

Institutionalised homophobia, or the tendency of governments, churches, businesses, schools and other organisations to treat heterosexuality as something ‘better’ or ‘more moral’, is something which most people are subjected to and are aware of from a very early age. Whether in the form of jokes, through formal teaching, via the media or everyday conversations, we cannot fail to be aware of the prejudice and discrimination which are still rife in today’s society. Against this background, youngsters who don’t fit neatly Read More