The Health Benefits of Indoor Plants

When you think of a house plant, you probably think of a green plant that you water occasionally right? But did you know that those pretty green leaves can actually be beneficial to your health? Having indoor house plants can boost your physical, mental and spiritual health. Many people thing growing indoor house plants is too much trouble so they turn to the silk variety for green foliage in their homes. But there really is a different in how your Read More

Self-Diagnosis: Our Generation’s Newest Mental Illness

I remember a time, not too long ago, when there weren’t as many disorders as there were just crazy people. New discoveries are made every day as technology and pharmaceutical companies become increasingly sophisticated and as important as these findings are, with that, it seems people are starting to lose accountability in result of everything getting a name. For example, I got awful grades in high school and can’t seem to read an entire book on a beautiful summer day. Read More