5 Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Sailing

Sailing is not only beneficial for the body but for the mind and soul as well. You can achieve an excellent fitness regimen while having a tremendous time under the sun. Here are to mention some of the health advantages of sailing. 1. Physical fitness – The constant task of pulling and hoisting a sail to keep the boat in the right track strengthens and builds muscles of the upper and lower extremities, trunk and abdomen. Agility, flexibility and endurance Read More

How To Know If You Have A Mental Illness

We are mentally ill from birth, but this is not visible. We tend to become more mentally ill with time, even if we don’t notice our mental health problems and our mental illness is not diagnosed. Anyone can become more mentally ill at any time, for any reason. You can prevent a mental illness or you can be cured in case you already have a serious mental illness by translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method Read More