SEARCH Function and FIND Function in Microsoft Excel

There are two very similar functions in Excel to look for data inside of cells matching parameters that you dictate: SEARCH and FIND. There are so similar, in fact, that one wonders why have two separate functions that perform virtually the identical results and are identical in the construct of the formula. This article will discuss he one, basic difference. SEARCH Introduction The SEARCH function is a way to find a character or string within another cell, and it will Read More

Is Microsoft’s Kinect Strategy a Bit of a Hit Or a Bit of a Miss?

The Video games market is currently expanding into many different segments thanks to the Nintendo Wii, no longer is gaming targeted towards the 13-40 Male consumer. There is the 60+ elderly market who love to get active by playing Wii bowling or the 30-50 range that are losing weight by using Nintendo Peripheral’s such as Wii fit. Both Sony and Microsoft must applaud Nintendo for expanding a previously narrow market. With Nintendo monopolising these market segments Microsoft and Sony have Read More