Arabic Alphabet Support in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Great Plains Dynamics GP is traditionally available in the Middle East and in Arabic speaking countries, plus it is easily adoptable in the countries, where local language is based on Arabic characters. Typically local legislation and government financial reporting requirements are reasonable in Arabic World, so Sales or VAT tax setup for specific country is not a challenge and it could be done as part of Corporate ERP implementation. We will concentrate on technology aspects of supporting Arabic language in Read More

Microsoft Exchange Hosting Benefits

A large number of companies have started using Microsoft exchange hosting provided by established by web hosting and application hosting providers. The benefits and advantages of using MS Exchange hosting are plenty. MS Exchange hosting outsourcing allows low upfront and ongoing costs. It is best to leave the hosting solution to the exchange hosting experts, and this is will make the most sense for mid size and smaller businesses. If Hosting Exchange is not your cup of tea, then go Read More