Microsoft Access – Save Programming Time and Cost With A Technique For Writing Less Programming Code

You are probably writing more Microsoft Access programming code then you need to. This means wasted coding time, more code maintenance and possible debugging. This article applies to all versions of Microsoft Access, not just Access 2007, but many new features of Access 2007 allow you to do zero coding to do tasks such as bulk emails, form control resizing, scheduling tasks, date picking, formatting, etc. I have reviewed tens of thousands of lines of programmers’ code, not just in Read More

How to Repair PST Files For Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook PST files or Personal Folder Files are an extremely important part of the Outlook Application. Essentially they store all your important information associated with the program, meaning they contain all your emails, contacts, calendar events, personal folder etc. Now you should also know that pst files are very susceptible to several different types of problems and errors. There are many different reasons why pst files become corrupt or damaged and since you are reading this article I believe Read More