How to Update Microsoft Security Essentials?

Updates are necessary whether it is your Windows OS, antivirus program, or any application that you are using on your PC. Updates help keep you PC run smoothly by repairing the internal glitches and bridging any loopholes. In the same fashion, your Microsoft Security Essentials needs to be updated with latest virus definitions as these enhance its defense system to deal with latest and everyday growing threats. Below are the simple instructions that will help you update your antivirus program Read More

The Rise of Windows 8 and Microsoft

Microsoft is on the rise with the upcoming advent of Windows 8. This article will explain why Windows 8 will begin a renewed Microsoft era. Windows 8 Microsoft has revamped Windows to behold a touchscreen interface for tablets, PC’s, and other touchscreen devices. The interface that Windows 8 is being built around is easy to use and falls in-line with their Windows Phone interface which helps create a unified experience across all of their devices. With a unified experience, consumers Read More