Internet Millionaire Blueprints

Maybe I just belong to too many Internet Marketing Lists but it seems that new product after new product is being rolled out at the moment with overinflated sales pitches. I am not going to bash any products or Internet Marketers here but the deluge of  “Make 10,000 / Month or more” offers are ridiculous & an insult to peoples intelligence. The only people making those #’s with these products over the next 30 days are the marketers with the Read More

Personal Finance – What Is Your Latte Factor?

Latte Factor®, Automatic Millionaire® Have you ever heard of the Latte Factor®? That phrase was coined, and trademarked by David Bach, the author of The Automatic Millionaire®. Written in 2004, this book reveals strategies that can help average people with average incomes and with no budget, to become millionaires automatically over a period of years. As a former financial adviser who was endorsed by Dave Ramsey, I have met with thousands of people about their money. Without a close second, Read More