The Millionaire’s Mindset and Why Financial Success Should Be Important

Who are these millionaire chaps and how do they become so darned rich? They must be different from us ordinary types, surely. Perhaps they’re aliens? Or aliens have implanted special minds into them. They must all have had superb educations. All gone to college and come out with degrees as long as your arm. Either that, or it’s all daddy’s money. Don’t you agree? Well, don’t you? Well no, I’m afraid I don’t. You see, the truth is that they’re Read More

Entrepreneurs Develop A Workaholic Mentality!

Entrepreneur Mindset Secret ~ Develop A Workaholic Mentality! All self-made millionaires work hard, hard, hard. They are addicted to hard work. Why? Because they know the formula for success that’s why! They know the outcome they are seeking and they know and understand that they have to work hard to get there. They know and accept the fact that making money is a formula and you have to follow the formula. They have their dream, their goal, their plan and Read More