Are You Looking to Date a Millionaire? Then Get the Right Mind Set

Finding a date with a millionaire mind set through online dating is possible. However you will never know till you try and that simply means putting yourself out there. By out there I mean joining an online dating site. Not just any site because we know some people have a different view of who they would like to meet. For some an accumulation of personal wealth means that a certain lifestyle has been attained. If this is you then you Read More

6 Questions to Test Your Wealth Building Strategies: A Review of Automatic Millionaire by David Bach

If you want to test out your own financial habits against some recommended wealth building strategies, the answers may help you to start to build wealth in your lifetime. How is it possible that an ordinary couple on ordinary income built extraordinary wealth becoming multi-millionaires and retiring in their fifties? This is the premise of the Automatic Millionaire by David Bach, one of 12 best-selling books in personal finance. The strategy he presents is not as far-fetched as the story Read More