So You Want to Make a Lot of Money on the Internet

Anybody serious about earning a lot of money from the internet must study the business strategies of Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Steve Case (AOL), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Reed Hastings (Netflix), Jerry Yang (Yahoo), Pierre Omidyar (eBay) and a host of other internet millionaire and billionaire entrepreneurs. They have strategies which, when replicated, could make one gain plenty of money online. What are they? Principally they can be grouped into seven categories: 1. Recognizing a trend and seizing it 2. Starting the Read More

Book Summary: Safe Money Millionaire – Written by Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap

Guaranteed retirement income is the name of the game. I think the financial industry has done their best to destroy trillions of dollars of wealth for a commission. I am fine with people getting paid for rendered services but there should be no fees in a loss market situation. We need to be thinking about preserving our capital as well as building it and NOT gambling our future away. Why is this important to me? I always want to ask Read More