Poor Slobs Guide to Becoming a Millionaire

So you want to be a millionaire? Good for you, who doesn’t. Problem is that the world needs lot’s of ditch diggers too and the odds of becoming a millionaire are so incredibly stacked against you, that there is no one in Vegas or heaven for that matter, who will take the bet. Most experts will agree, and unfortunately, so do I, that for you to get rich, you will have to learn to defeat your old way of doing Read More

Kalpana Saroj – The Original Slumdog Millionaire

If you give your heart and soul and never give up, things can happen for you.” Kalpana Saroj (1961) is a female Indian entrepreneur and a Tedx speaker who is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Kamani Tubes in Mumbai, India. She was born to a poor Dalit Buddhist family in a small Roperkheda village in Maharashtra, India. Married at the age of 12, she shifted to Mumbai slums with her husband’s family where she was verbally, physically, and emotionally Read More