Who Else Wants to Become a Supermarket Gift Card Millionaire – And Also Help Your Local Community?

In the beginning, supermarkets grew from just being suppliers of groceries and household goods, to be more like the old department stores, with much more emphasis placed on selling clothes, electrical goods, beauty products, pharmaceuticals, take-away foods, alongside the usual household requirements. In this way, they actually took a lot of business from many small independent retailers, causing a lot of gaps to appear in what used to be thriving High Streets, and local shopping communities. So why the great Read More

How To Go From Millionaire To Decamillionaire

Generally the average person is sick and tired of trying to get ahead. They’ve had enough. They work from daylight to dark giving their whole life to their employer. All they get is survival. Every day we hear stories of people getting rich overnight. Why them and why not me, we ask? Let’s resolve to change all that and if we want to find a way to get ahead, be somebody and create something worthwhile. It comes down to me, Read More