Interested In MMA? Instructors Share Differences Among Various Types Of Martial Arts

There are numerous benefits that come with martial arts training. For instance, the exercise strengthens the body and enhances balance, coordination, flexibility and endurance. However, martial arts training can offer more than just physical improvements – it also helps increase awareness of one’s surroundings, while at the same time promoting critical thinking and discipline. Best of all, it helps boost one’s self-esteem while also fostering humility. In addition to all these benefits, there are also various types of fighting techniques Read More

MMA Conditioning & Explosive Lifts – Power Straight, Hang Clean, and High Pull

Explosive power is a staple of the elite MMA athlete. All of the top fighters have incredible explosive power and endurance. This gives the fighter a definitive edge over his competition because conditioning is a generally neglected or poorly executed part of the training camp. In order to have fantastic conditioning, you’ll need to work on explosive lifts. These will increase your core strength and train your muscles to work in conjunction with each other for maximum results. For wrestling Read More