Why Even in MMA Most Muay Thai is Not Real

As a professional Muay Thai fighter I’m often asked why the majority of MT training isn’t real. Well, I’m going to give you the hard nosed answers. 1) Most people who purport to teach Muay Thai have never fought it. It’s pretty clear that to lean real, pure MT you need someone who has actually done it in the place it was intended for-the Professional Fight Ring. 2) Many of the trainers of MT have not lived in Thailand. If Read More

The Fight Week: MMA Training – Tempo Training for Muscular Endurance

Mixed Martial Arts is a power endurance sport. Maximising power endurance is always a trade-off between optimising two athletic qualities that often stand in opposition to each other: the rate of force production and producing that force for a long time. In other words, you need to hit hard and hit hard for a long time. The focus of my training for the last month, and the month to come, has been on working on my endurance. It’s a quality Read More