Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Maintain a High Level of Athletic Performance?

Let’s face it. For most Australians, we’ve played sport from a very young age. Many of us continue to play competitive sports for our entire lives. Obviously most athletes have a peak age they reach for competition, which in males is about thirty, and in females about 33. I myself am a professional athlete. I compete in Mixed Martial Arts, one of the most physically taxing and as most will agree, brutal sports there are. And let me tell you, Read More

Brief History of Mixed Martial Arts – MMA

Mixed Martial Arts is also known as MMA for short. This is a full contact sport that is also known as a combat sport. It combines different styles and techniques of fighting. Mixed Martial Arts is popular in part because of the fact that it incorporates so many different styles of fighting. When you combine street fighting with the art of karate it makes this much more entertaining and exciting as a spectator sport than other forms of fighting. The Read More