7 Myths About Mobile Marketing

The fact is, more and more people are using their mobile devices to surf the web, check their emails, play on Facebook, view content, etc. than ever before. The goal of any internet marketer is to be as widely available as possible and if you’re following these myths below, then you’re losing out on cold hard cash. Myth #1: Mobile marketing is a fad. You’re simply an idiot if you think mobile marketing is not here to stay. Myth #2: Read More

8 Things To Consider When Electing A Mobile App Development Platform

The increase in the use of smartphones has led to a significant rise in the demand for mobile applications. Enterprises have recognized that mobile apps can help them increase the value of their brand, and also enhance their business offering to their customers. Before developing a mobile app, however, it’s important to decide which mobile app development platform the app is going to be built on. And choosing which mobile app development platform to go with is one of the Read More