Editing Your Novel Part 3: How to Show, Rather Than Tell

If you’ve ever been on a creative writing course, or read books on how to edit, you’ll have been exhorted at some point to ‘show, don’t tell’. In other words, try and make your ‘scenes’ come to life. Look at this example: Tracey was fuming, too wound up to get on with making dinner. She paced up and down the little sitting room. How dare he! And with that ninny, Maria, who’d been round half the street. Well, she’d show Read More

More Plastic Than Plankton

I can remember growing up in the sixties in a world which was still relatively “plastic free”. Do you remember when foods were actually packaged in glass, paper and cardboard? Do you also remember when the paper and cardboard was thicker back then? I can still remember as a boy looking at one of those “foam” cups made from polystyrene and crumbling it, it was in the late sixties, wondering what the heck it was made of! The one litre Read More