A Day in the Life of a Zombie Nurse

I knew nursing school would be rough, and I was willing to sacrifice my sleep to get my degree. I would arrive in class like something from the walking dead. I managed to get through the tough times in nursing school because I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and there was. But jeez, can we turn the light off sometimes and just all go night-nights? Well, as you’ve gathered by now I’m a zombie Read More

Short Story – Protesters

A sharp closing of the door left the two men together yet alone, strangers, introduced merely seconds before. The older, taller of the two seemed to scrutinise the stockier new arrival for a few moments, his penetrating gaze noting the military dress that remained less than a uniform alongside the almost apologetic manner he projected. They had fallen silent after their mutual acknowledgement, the elderly man’s gripped handshake accompanied by a stentorian, lengthened “Hello”, the younger man’s hesitant nod, plus Read More