How to Attract a Man

There’s someone specific you’re interested in, and you’re not sure what in the world you should do about it. Should you: (a) Let him know? (b) Find out if he’s interested in you first? (c) Do nice things for him so that he’ll notice you? (d) Unleash your inner sex siren and use him as target practice? (e) Agonize indecisively until he walks out of your life forever? First of all, I want you to know that I don’t criticize Read More

How to Get a Girlfriend in One Day

Would you like to know how to get a woman in one day? Would you like some handy hints to help you score someone fast? Is speed your thing and you don’t have the patience for the waiting rigmarole? You have come to the right place! Read on and find out everything you wanted to know about how to be Mr. Speedster! Handy hint #1: Be yourself. If you try to be Brad Pitt, you will fail miserably. You will Read More