The Secret to Lean Muscle, Strength, Health and Other Things

Then listen to my mantra… “Be just what you is, not what you is not. Folks what do this has the happiest lot.” I learned this at age 5 from a cartoon called “Tooter Turtle” back in 1964. You see the tooter the turtle always wanted to be something he was not so he would go to Mr. Wizard (a lizard) who had the magic to change Tooter’s life to some other destiny, usually sending him back in time and Read More

Funny Excuses For Being Late On Your First Date

Dating can be an extremely fragile and fiddly business. If you are too assertive or self-confident, you might send your dating partner running towards the other direction. If you’re too shy and reserved, you might put your partner into a long, deep slumber. While there are countless huge as well as minute details you have to consider in impressing your potential one, true love, there is only one thing you can do that that can cut short your budding relationship: Read More