Why Does a Guy Ignore You Once He Knows You Like Him? Here is the Answer You Are Looking For

Has it ever happened that you have really liked a guy you were seeing and told him so? And the minute you told him that, he started to ignore you? If you have been wondering why this happened then you should read on and find out the real reason. The excitement isn’t there anymore Men are all about mystery. They like a woman to be enigmatic and mysterious and want to be the ones who unravel the mystery called the Read More

Get Real With Your Instant Message

The fact is, most men and women unconsciously broadcast messages. Ladies, today this one is for you. What message might you be sending? Are you the Tough Girl? The Tough Girl is a woman who might have a “cool girl” mentality, ashamed of her expectations, often feeling they are “too much,” or that if she makes her needs known, the man whom she is dating will see her as too high maintenance. Perhaps, the Tough Girl thinks, if she ditches Read More