Producing Your Own Music

Producing music is something that can be very intriguing, but also it is something that can be very time consuming. It takes a lot of dedication and motivation. Most of the professional music producers have extensive imaginations and years and years of experience. So if you are someone interested in producing music are you prepared to put in the work? A lot of people have the understanding that to start producing music you need thousands of dollars in equipment and Read More

Protecting Your Website Legally From the Music Industry

In the connected world, where businesses pop up like dandelions and anyone with a computer can upload video, audio and text-based content to be shared across the web, it is of growing importance to understand the potential legal risks that online businesses face. Most internet businesses make use of some sort of rich media on their websites such as video or music. What most don’t realize is that even the smallest S-Corp can find itself in hot water with the Read More