Music Licensing

Music licensing can be a very confusing subject. My intent with this article is to give you enough details on what music licensing is and what are your rights to use music in advertising and / or video productions. A few months ago I was contacted by a company that was celebrating 20 years in business. They wanted to put together a radio commercial that highlighted their celebration. Their request was to use Kool and the Gangs song Celebration in Read More

Nine Music Artists Named After Attire

Always a painful undertaking, my bi-yearly trip to pay my insurance bill did have a pleasant consequence today. A conversation with my agent about music, prompted by the tee shirt I was wearing, eased the fact that almost three thousand dollars would be deducted from my already meager savings. Since he recognized the Elvis Costello album cover on my chest, the agent told me he liked most of the early records like My Aim Is True, Armed Forces and Get Read More