New Music To Listen To

Mainstream media is quick to offer up the latest in new music to listen to but, so often, the only thing new about it is the wardrobe that the current artist is wearing. There was a time when record executives and producers were willing to take a chance on something new and different. These people are mostly gone and have been replaced with a new breed of fat cat. These new people will only bet on what they think is Read More

Why Royalty Free Music?

The world loves music. The soul of video games and films lies in music. Today, several websites and a number of other applications in industries, such as corporate, retail, radio and restaurant, music is widely used to both entertain and retain customers or clients. This is where royalty free music comes into picture. Many people are still not aware of this term and those who are, are taking full advantage of it in their productions. This type of music is Read More