Piano Music – How to Begin and End a Piece

How do you begin a piece of music? That's a question I'm often asked. The answer I usually give is that you begin as soon as you start playing – that is, if you're trying to "compose" something, the piece begins the moment it has energy and is something you want to capture. If it's an improvisation, the piece begins the moment you set your fingers on the keys and hit the first note. It's like free flow writing and Read More

An Overview of Music Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy

It is widely accepted that music and rhythm have healing powers because they speak more to our emotions than to our intellect. Distraught children often calm when sung to and the extremely find solace when listening to classical music. Music therapy and training has had consistent and profound effects on children suffering from cerebral palsy, leading to improvements in cognitive performance, spatial reasoning, verbal skills and an overall sense of well-being. Music can actually alter the landscape of the brain, Read More