Blues Music – American Granddaddy of Music Styles

What does American music sound like? You know what the music of Germany, Spain, Ireland, Japan, and many of the other countries of the world sounds like. Each country with it’s own distinctive culture has an identifiable musical sound that comes from that culture. But what about the United States? America was settled by people mainly from Europe. The early music of America was basically European music. There was quite a variety of musical forms to be heard and some Read More

Resurgent Of Old School Music That Moves You

After several decades of disappearance, over thirty plus years; thirty-six to be exact, there has been an resurgent in some old school music that moves you. Back in the day in the late spring of May the latter part of that month in the year1983 there was a group from out of Dayton, Ohio named “New Horizons” who hit the top 40 Billboard R&B music charts with a single titled “Your Thing Is Your Thing” produced by Roger Troutman from Read More